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Media should work for betterment of society DC
DC Rupnagar handing over the identity cards to the members of press club Rupnagar. ...more

Press Club Office Inaugurated
Rupnagar MLA Dr.Daljit Singh Cheema inaugurating the office of Rupnagar Press Club. ...more

Independence Day celebrations - 2012
The Members of Rupnagar Press Club hoisting National Flag on the occasion of 66th Indpendence Day of India at Press Club Complex Rupnagar. ...more

World Press Freedom Day Celebrated
Cheema launches Website of Rupnagar Press Cub Rupnagar May 3,2012 ...more

Rupnagar Press Club Celebrates Press Freedom Day
Rupnagar Deputy Commissioner Shri. G.K. Singh being Honoured by the Members of Rupnagar Press Club ...more

Dr. Daljit Singh Cheema Advisor to Chief Minister Punjab (2007-2012), at Rupnagar Press Club Ropar
Dr. Daljit Singh Cheema Advisor to Chief Minister Punjab (2007-2012), Honoring Bahadurjeet Singh, President Rupnagar Prees Club during installation ceremony of the Club. ...more

Former Punjab Minister Prof. Laxmi Kanta Chawla at a “Meet The Press” Programme
Former Punjab Minister Prof. Laxmi Kanta Chawla at a “Meet The Press” Programme ...more
Press Club Office Inaugurated

Rupnagar MLA Dr.Daljit Singh Cheema inaugurating the office of Rupnagar Press Club.
Rupnagar, October 7Rupnagar MLA Dr.Daljit Singh Cheema today inaugurated the office of the Rupnagar Press Club.
While addressing a function on the occasion Dr.Cheema lauded the activities of the Rupnagar Press Club and assured every help from the state government for the completion of the club building to make it one of the best Press Clubs in the region.
He also urged the media persons to follow the ethics of journalism and shun yellow journalism.
Rupnagar Press Cub president Bahadurjeet Singh highlighted work done by the Club for the construction of the Press Club building and assistance provided by the government in this regard.He demanded that government must provide more funds for the completion of the press club building.
Former Rupnagar Improvement Trust chairman Dr.R.S.Parmar,Sahibzada Ajit Singh Academy Rupnagar director Sukhjinder Singh,senior lawyer Harmohan Singh Paul,DPRO B.S.Balli,Chandigarh Press Club Secretary-General Nalin Acharya,secretary Avtar Bhambra, Rupnagar Press Cub president Bahadurjeet Singh,Senior vice president Swaran Singh Bhangu, Secretary Rajinder Saini also spoke on the occasion.